The Woman in the Window at The Library Challenge
The current Library Challenge is for the book The Woman in the Window.

I did read this book back in January and reviewed it on my other blog here. My card is therefore based on my recollectin of the book. Which is although the woman is in the window to the outside world the book centres around her looking out of it. She also has old movies on a constant loop and so I thought it would be fun to make the room art deco style and have her wear a vintage dress too.
While she is confined to her home, the world goes on outside and so I put a window with a cheery view out of it. Also, the house over the road which features in the book and she can see from her window.
That's my card, and I really would recommend reading the book. I don't do spoilers in my reviews and sometimes that makes it hard to get over what the book is all about.
Thank you for sharing
Hugs Debs xxx
Thank you for sharing
Hugs Debs xxx
B x