Little scene of snippets


I'm sharing today a make that has been on my "must do list" for sometime. I got this box from a friend it contained tea sachets from Singapore. It was too nice a box to just recycle and I finally got the mojo to decorate it.

I used gummiapan dies for some of the sewing elements and a set of dies from Concord and 9th for the dresses and mannequins. The papers are from Tilda and Carta Bella and were snippets left over from other projects.

I left the plastic front in the box to protect it. 

This is the front of the box which I used gesso over and then painted and stencilled. I used a stamp from the ton but then put the rolls of fabric in her arms instead of one of the stamped images that came with the set. The metal frame is from Gorjuss many years ago and not had a reason to use it!

These are some of the snippets I used.

A look at the outside with the back and spine decorated with stickers.

close up of inside

I'm off to the Snippets Playground and hoping for an Almond croissant.


Aquarius said…
A brilliant piece of upcycling here - that box was certainly far too good to just throw out. Lots of interest to see inside and out. Enjoy your almond croissant 😊
crafty-stamper said…
Beautifully decorated box-love the sewing theme/images and embellishments.
Carol x
Chris said…
This is gorgeous Lynn, I love projects like this. They always make me think of doll houses, a childhood favourite. The sewing theme is lovely, your images and embellishments work so well together. xx
brenda said…
Such a lovely make Lynn not to mention great up/recycling of the tea box.

B x
Sarn said…
WOW - what a fantastic mixed media project using up some snippets too! So much to look at and enjoy.

Thanks for coming to play in the Snippets Playground.I've saved you an almond croissant and will warm it up slightly when you reach the treehouse. I assume you'll be making your usual entrance via a bounce from the trampoline??? LOL! xxx
KarinsArtScrap said…
it's gorgeous Lynn, great job you karin
HilaryJane said…
What a wonderful transformation. It looks great. I hope you are pleased with it xx
Pauline C said…
Wow what an amazing mixed media project Lynn, so imaginative and so much detail to look at and enjoy x
Liz said…
An amazing project Lynn, so much detail.
Hope you got to the Playground in time for an almond croissant. The chocolate ones were delicious!
Liz xx
LesleyG said…
Wow, you deserve more than one croissant, this is fab u lous!xx
OH! This is awesome. Beautiful work. x
Di said…
WOW, oh wow Lynn!! This is truly stunning. So much wonderful detail - it must have taken ages. I need to have words with Sarn - since when have we had a trampoline in the Playground? Mins you - after the storms a couple of weeks ago a neighbour was appealing from someone to go and retrieve their trampoline which had abseiled into their back garden. Judging from the photo it probably wasn't worth collecting after the crash landing.
Di xx
EmmaT said…
WOW - beautiful creation, well worth hanging onto the box and turning it into a mini work of art x